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<< Job 25 (욥기 25장) >>
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* 25 장: 노트 | 영어듣기 | 성경비교 | 쉬운영어 | 연구/주석

1 Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said,
2 Dominion and fear are with him, he maketh peace in his high places.
3 Is there any number of his armies? and upon whom doth not his light arise?
4 How then can man be justified with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?
5 Behold even to the moon, and it shineth not; yea, the stars are not pure in his sight.
6 How much less man, that is a worm? and the son of man, which is a worm?

<< Job 25 (욥기 25장) >>
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* 25 장: 노트 | 영어듣기 | 성경비교 | 쉬운영어 | 연구/주석

Outline by Matthew Henry

Bildad shows that man cannot be justified before God. Bildad drops the question concerning the prosperity of wicked men; but shows the infinite distance there is between God and man. He represents to Job some truths he had too much overlooked. Man's righteousness and holiness, at the best, are nothing in comparison with God's, Zechariah 13:1. We should be humbled as mean, guilty, polluted creatures, and renounce self-dependence. But our vileness will commend Christ's condescension and love; the riches of his mercy and the power of his grace will be magnified to all eternity by every sinner he redeems. << Job 24 | Job 25 | Job 26 >> Bible > Bible CommentaryMatthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise)JobJob 25 Related CommentariesJob 25John Darby’s SynopsisThe Geneva Study BibleJohn Gill’s Exposition of the BibleJamieson, Faussett, and BrownMatthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete)Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise)Wesley’s Explanatory Notes About Us Privacy Policy California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information California - CCPA Notice 2024 All Rights Reserved. Article Images Copyright 2024 JupiterImages Corporation.

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사용 안내

* 단어 클릭: 영어단어 뜻과 설명
* 절 번호 클릭: 영어문장 해설과 영어번역 등
* 장 [노트] 클릭: 현재 장의 묵상과 노트


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